Bouche Dental Group puts you in contact with specialized Orthodontists, that can offer you two different options: Invisible Aligners and Conventional Appliances.
The aligners are practically invisible, guaranteeing an aesthetic and discreet treatment.
The aligners are comfortable and adaptable, allowing you to eat and speak normally.
Oral hygiene is made easier as the aligners can be removed to brush your teeth.
They are removable and transparent dental aligners or orthodontic appliances.
These appliances are used for no less than 22 hours a day, that is, they are only removed to eat and to carry out daily oral hygiene.
These clear aligners are tailor-made for each person, through Digital Planning software that allows you to plan and visualize the final results very closely.
When they fit the teeth, these aligners begin to exert pressure, which over time will bring the teeth into the desired position. You will be provided with a number of aligners that you will need to change weekly or biweekly.
Invisible aligners allow you to obtain a more harmonious and healthy smile in a discreet and comfortable way, correcting alignment and aesthetic problems.
Orthodontics is a dental specialty that studies, prevents and corrects changes in development, the shape of the dental arches and the position of the jaws, in order to restore the morphological and functional balance of the mouth and face, also improving facial aesthetics.
The objective of orthodontics is the mobility of the teeth seeking their occlusal normalization (the masticatory surface), or the displacement of the entire dental set (dental arch), above all, to correct the functional disorders of mastication.
It is an orthodontics formed by the combination of brackets, metallic or ceramic elements glued to the teeth and metallic arches that cross them. Fixed appliances have the ability to individually move each tooth in any direction, which is not the case with other appliances.
To achieve accurate results, fixed appliances require meticulous technique by precisely placing cemented bands and brackets on each tooth.
These are appliances that can be removed by each individual for cleaning, but which are securely attached to the teeth when placed, applying controlled pressure on the teeth to move through the action of active mechanical elements.
These forces are entirely artificial or mechanical, and act directly on the teeth, having nothing in common with the forces created by the action of muscles.
Functional appliances refer to a variety of removable appliances designed to alter the position of the various muscle groups that influence the function and position of the jaw to expansively influence its development.
They are generally recommended during the primary or mixed dentition. Initially they only make functional changes, but that later lead to structural changes.
Schedule an orthodontic evaluation consultation and discover how our network of ortodontists can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.
Examples of orthodontic treatments carried out by the network of orthodontists of Bouche Dental Group and the results achieved, demonstrating the effectiveness and advantages of this treatment.
Welcome to Bouche Dental Group.
At Bouche Dental Group we put you in contact with professionals who can provide you with high quality dental services that are personalized for each individual. We collaborate with several dentists specialized in different areas of Dentistry, who have access to the most recent technologies available.
By combining our knowledge and experience with a team of high quality professionals, we can meet your most varied needs.
Thanks to this, the network of dentists with which we collaborate has created a diversified offer of treatments in the areas of Implantology, Dental Aesthetics, Orthodontics, Periodontology, Endodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine.
In the Frequently Asked Questions section, find answers to the most common questions about treatments, procedures and oral health care.
The treatment time is dependent on several variables, depending on the complexity of each case: if it is just a case of alignment and leveling, if it is a case with not only dental involvement, but also skeletal involvement, the age of the person is a relevant factor, periodontal involvement and commitment conditions the treatment time, the collaboration and motivation of the individual is determinant, as well as oral hygiene, which must be very well controlled.
It can, however, be predicted that orthodontic treatments last between 18 to 24 months. But there are treatments lasting less than 12 months, as well as treatments lasting longer than 24 months.
Depending on each case, treatments can be more or less stable. There is always a risk of relapse (the teeth tend to return to their initial position) or of the teeth moving due to the surrounding muscles and the contacts between them.
The use of retainers ensures that the final result of the treatment is not lost, and the width of the smile achieved with the orthodontic treatment is maintained.
Yes you can. All people who are not completely edentulous can undergo orthodontic treatment.
Each case must be properly analyzed and diagnosed, in order to plan the treatment with orthodontics in the most correct and rigorous way.
The process of diagnosing and planning an Orthodontic treatment – Invisalign® is different from the same with fixed appliances.
There is digital treatment planning and the manufacture of aligners depends on laboratories external to the orthodontist, which makes treatment more expensive.
We’ll get in touch with you.
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