Dr. PIRES João

Areas of specialization : Implantology ; Oral Surgery ; Periodontology

▪ Master in Dentistry from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra
▪ Master in Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology at the Faculdade Medicina Universidade Porto FMUP.
▪ Master in Implantology and Periodontology at All About Dentistry.
▪ International postgraduate degree in clinical periodontology at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz.
▪ Postgraduate certificate in implantology and oral rehabilitation at the Centro Europeu de Pós-Graduação – Medicina Dentária.
▪ Study of the concept of digital smile design at DSD – Digital Smile Design.

Doctor Code : 905017-07

I don't like the name Dentist. My profession is much more than treating teeth. When I rebuild a person's smile I am increasing their happiness and self-esteem, I am helping them eat and live better. For me, the magic of being a Dentist is the People, and they are what motivate me to be my best every day!

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