Aesthetic Rehabilitation

What does an Aesthetic Full Rehabilitation consist of and what do we have to take into account?

Aesthetic rehabilitation is a part of dental medicine which is based on the diagnosis, planning and carrying out of suitable dental treatments to rehabilitate the whole mouth in a bad state, restoring the function and aesthetics to lead a normal and better life.

On many occasions, in order to restore total aesthetics it is necessary to carry out a multidisciplinary treatment, that is, to carry out the treatment through the intervention of the various dental specialties and thus achieve greater success. Some of the specialists who are included in a total aesthetic rehabilitation are the specialist in aesthetic dentistry, the orthodontist, the periodontologist or the dental surgeon.

The people who normally undergo a total aesthetic rehabilitation are those with oral pathologies that affect the anterior area, such as caries or periodontal disease, the loss of some teeth in this sector of the oral cavity or some pathological habits such as bruxism, causing remarkable wear and tear of the teeth.

Pathological dental wear is one of the signs most frequently observed in daily life. Bruxism is a parafunction caused by multiple factors that cause pa-tological attrition or wear of the teeth.

This pathology can be centric or eccentric, day or night. If the wear affects the anterior area of the teeth it can compromise the smile and cause an ageing effect. In addition, it can lead to a loss of anterior orientation, canine orientation, as well as chewing or phonation function.

In order to rehabilitate properly, thorough case planning must be carried out. A complete medical history of each person must be taken beforehand in order to exclude any type of pathology or, if it exists, to control it. In addition, the medication and toxicological habits of each individual are of great inte- gration in dentistry.

This information is collected during the first visit with the specialist. In addition, an extra-oral and intra-oral clinical examination is also performed during this visit in order to evaluate the case and make a diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis has been established, a treatment plan is drawn up together with the consultation with the different specialists who must intervene in the case, thus obtaining a definitive treatment plan and making a plan so that you know the sequence of treatment and the times necessary in each phase.

The first part of the total aesthetic rehabilitation consists of taking several extra-oral and intra-oral photographs, together with some measurements of the mouth that will serve to analyse and correctly de-sign the aesthetic area directly on a computerised programme, making a digital drawing of the smile.

After the first contact, all types of treatment must be carried out on a totally healthy mouth, in other words, it is necessary to previously guarantee the total health of all the dental tissues, with an adequate and necessary periodontal treatment, as well as that of any diseases present (caries, periodontitis, among others). Subsequently, if there is any type of dental malposition or malocclusion, den-tary orthodontics is performed. Thanks to this, the teeth are placed in their proper position and the es-tetic and oral function are improved. If necessary, dental implants are placed once the orthodontic treatment is finished, or in the final phase of the treatment.

The final part of the total aesthetic rehabilitation consists of carrying out all the procedures related to dental prostheses. In other words, carrying out treatments with dental crowns or inlays or placing crowns on implants. In situations where the affectation is minor, aesthetic rehabilitation is simply based on the placement of dental veneers, either in composite resin or ceramic.

This is not the end of the treatment, but the start of maintaining the oral and general health achieved so far. It is of great importance to carry out the periodic check-ups established by the specialist professional and thus maintain the rehabilitation in the best conditions, carrying out periodic check-ups and hygiene visits.

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