Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies are inconvenient episodes that affect peoples’ daily lives. Therefore, there are allways emergency services that attempt to resolve the rea-son that led the person to the emergency and to ensure that their whole day is not affected.

Here are some of the dental emergencies situations which may occur:

  • Toothache;
  • Trauma;
  • Infection or dental inflammation;
  • Gum pain;
  • Dental abscess;

This way, by knowing the possible emergency episodes, you know that in any of these situations you can contact us and request a dental emergency consultation.

What to do in the event of a dental fracture?

There are various causes that lead teeth to fracture, whether due to untreated caries lesions, very extensive old restorations, poor dental positioning, which leads to overloading of certain teeth, or due to trauma.

Whatever the reason, the most important piece of advice and the first step to be taken is to consult a dentist as soon as possible. The sooner a dentist can evaluate the person clinically and radiographically, the sooner he or she will be able to determine the ideal diagnosis and treatment and thus solve the problem.

In cases of urgency, time is an important ally in solving the problem efficiently and avoiding, in some cases, the vitality and integrity of the tooth(s) being called into question!

In the event of dental trauma, one of the situations that brings people to the dentist’s office, you should know what you can do:

  • Keep calm and try to look for the fragment of the tooth that has fractured. In some cases it is possible to bond the fragment to the tooth, if the fracture has been in one place, allowing the transition to be practically invisible.
  • When the fragment is found, it is essential to keep it in a neutral pH solution, milk or saline solution, so that it comes hydrated. This step is important for the dentist to achieve the best result.
  • Afterwards, even if you do not find the fragment, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible so that he or she can evaluate, diagnose and outline the best treatment to be carried out.

The recovery of the tooth depends on the extent of the fracture. Whenever possible, the dentist will proceed with bonding.

If there is no fragment, or when it is not feasible to bond it, the treatment will be an aesthetic restoration in composite resin or a ceramic veneer or, in cases where the fracture is extensive, a crown or inlay, depending on the tooth and the extent of the tooth surface covered.

In cases where the fracture is such that it leads to the involvement of the dental pulp (nerve of the tooth) it may be necessary to do a root canal treatment before its definitive reconstruction.

In other extreme cases, where the fracture involves the root of the tooth in a longitudinal (vertical) manner, the tooth may no longer be viable and may need to be extracted, thus requiring the placement of an implant and a crown on it.

In any of the cases, a clinical and radiographic assessment is always necessary so that the dentist can make the best diagnosis and consequently outline the best treatment plan.

Whenever you find yourself in one of these situations or have any questions, you can request an appointment to be seen by a professional who will provide you with the best care!