Oral Hygiene
Avoid most mouth pathologies with good oral hygiene.
Prevent problems such as bacterial plaque, tartar, caries and even periodontal diseases with effective tooth brushing and consult a professional at least twice a year to keep that smile healthy and happy!
A correct and attentive oral hygiene ensures the health of your mouth, body and mind, allows you to eat and speak properly, avoids gum diseases and aesthetic problems on your teeth, prevents bad breath and ensure your general well-being.
Clinical Cases
Dental cleaning
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day;
- For at least 2 minutes;
- Make a dental appointment at least 2 times a year.
This rule is simple and helps maintain good oral health and general good health, prolong quality of life, better communicate and interact with others and save on dental consultations!
Mental cleaning
The accumulation of so-called bacterial plaque that affects the gums can and should be combated with daily brushing.
However, there may be hard-to-reach areas that you never effectively clean no matter how much you brush your teeth, where bacterial plaque can accumulate and even form a hard, encrusted deposit called tartar, which is impossible to remove by brushing alone.
When this happens, the solution is to book a dental appointment for scaling and to eliminate the tartar on the teeth so as not to allow the onset and/or progress of gum disease.
Basically, this is a professional teeth cleaning that includes three phases:
- In the first phase, your professional removes plaque and tartar on the teeth using an ultrasonic device;
- In the second phase, he or she removes all traces of plaque and tartar which may still exist using a special device;
- And in the third phase, polishes the teeth to leave a smooth surface.
Application of fluoride on the teeth
The application of fluoride in the oral cavity prevents the appearance of caries, leaving the surface of the teeth stronger and protecting them against the acid attacks of bacterial plaque, which can cause caries and even other more serious lesions.
Since on reaching the tooth, fluoride is absorbed by the enamel, it helps to repair it by replenishing the calcium and phosphorus lost to keep teeth hard.
The application of fluoride to teeth is, nowadays, a common oral hygiene treatment, either through a gel solution, foam or varnish placed with the help of proper utensils.
Brushing your teeth
Brushing your teeth regularly is fundamental for maintaining good oral health, but not all people brush their teeth properly.
Therefore, in the area of dental hygiene, there are techniques to brush the teeth and eliminate bacterial plaque, a transparent film composed of bacteria that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and which, in the presence of carbohydrates (sugar), produces acids that demineralise the tooth, causing caries.
Now, brushing the teeth daily to remove the bacterial plaque is fundamental so that it does not mineralise and harden, giving rise to tartar (which can only be eliminated in a dental consultation). And besides tartar and caries, bacterial plaque can cause inflammation of the gums and even periodontitis. So don’t take any chances! Make sure that your hygiene is done in the most correct way.
Respect these rules in your oral hygiene, through manual or electric brushing:
- Brush your teeth between 2/3 minutes;
- Incline the brush over the gum at a 45° angle;
- Make about 10 horizontal and circular movements on the tooth surfaces, in order to clean the spaces between the teeth and gums;
- Start brushing the teeth at one end of the jaw and finish at the other end with back and forth movements;
- Gently brush the tongue to remove bacteria;
- Change toothbrush every 3 months to maximise your dental hygiene;
- Use dental floss to optimise teeth cleaning.