Privacy Policy

This Data protection and cookie declaration applies to Bouche Dental Group and its affiliated entities.
Bouche Dental Group Sarl, a Luxembourg based limited liability company registered and organized under Luxembourg law with RCS number B244700 with offices registered at  85 Route d’Arlon L-8009 Strassen and all affiliated entities process personal data in respect to the EU Regulation 2016/679, Data Protection Regulation (¨GDPR¨), therefore we inform you about your rights as well as to the way we process your personal data. For applicable definitions please refer to the GDPR definitions.

Your Rights:

  1. To access
  2. To get rectification
  3. Erasure (¨right to be forgotten¨)
  4. Restriction of processing
  5. Portability
  6. To object
  7. To oppose to automated decision making and profiling

For more details on these rights, refer to the GDPR rules following this link


Our website is administered by Núcleo Digital Web Agency.

And our servers are located in Portugal

We have 2 different reasons to treat your data:

  1. To provide you with the service of this website, in case we collect your full name, phone number and email address. The retention period of this data is 10 years after you stop being a contact person;
  2. We also perform analytical and statistical performance analysis based in the technology of Google Analytics. For this we do not collect your personal data, but rather use aggerated values of statistics over favorite pages, devices, resolution, location, time spend and other metrics which are not linked at you as visitor.

To collect your Data we use cookies or files in the case of request for contact

All request of contact are covering the information described in point 1 above, and kept for 10 years after you inform us that you do not which to be considered as a contact any longer.

For this we use a Google spread sheet and your contact detail will then be transferred to your file at one of our affiliated is you become a patient.

To do this, please send us an email and our team will erase you from the file.

In Regards to Cookies

What is a cookie?

A small file that is stored in your device allowing the access to data and allowing that you are remembered (including preferences such as name, phone, email and settings).

Which type of cookies do we use?

We use functional cookies which are limited to the session.

We use statistical cookies collecting the information noted under point 2 above.

We also use experience cookies, to record your preferences and setting ensuring that when you visit us, you still get access to the same preferences defined in your previous visit, if you are using the same device.

Third-party cookies

We use Google analytics with non-personal data, but only limited to statistics as mentioned herein.

In addition, your own browser may develop and use specific cookies.

If you access social media such as Facebook, Instagram or other external links, your navigation, data collection and data use will be attached to their policies and procedures and therefore out of the control of Bouche Dental Group or any affiliate.

Transfer of data

In general, we do not transfer data received via the website, nonetheless, patients of our affiliated will see some data transferred to the affiliated, the social security, accounting teams servicing affiliated and the companies of insurance of users requesting reimbursement for services provided by any affiliated.

In all cases, data remain in the European Economic Area excepted instruction for a user or patient which involves Bouche Dental Group of its affiliated.

Specific categories of data

Bouche Dental Group does not collect or process such type of data, and specially on its website. Nonetheless, affiliated entities such as doctors may process your personal data after an appointment is organized by Bouche Dental Group and then you enter in the category of patient. In you have questions please contact 
[email protected]